Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Granny Square Cozy

I remember as a child being fascinated by Granny Square afghans.  I loved looking at all of the color combinations.  But it was my Aunt Mary that taught me to truly appreciate the love and work that goes into one.  I would sit for hours and watch her as she used colorful yarn to paint beautiful kaleidoscope-like images that when sewn together were a work of art.

Our family lost Mary much to soon after a long battle with liver cancer.  As she went through her treatments and struggled with the disease, she found comfort in her crocheting.  Luckily, she taught me to crochet as a child.  I have always treasured the art of crocheting because it brings back such wonderful memories of my aunt and time spent at her home with my wonderful cousins and uncle.

Anytime I see a Granny Square I think of Mary and her love of crocheting.  I thought of her a lot today as I made these Granny Square cup cozies.  I hope to one day create a work of art like she did that my grandchildren will treasure like the one that her daughter and grandchildren cherish.